MacHack 1994
MacHack 1994.toast
MacHack™ 1987-1994
MacHack™ '87
Utilities ƒ
Icon Utilities ƒ
ICON Maker
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Text File
102 lines
By J.Doenias and S.Gillespie
IconMaker allows you to customize application Icons (they are actually
ICN#'s). This program is only useful for reconfiguring existing
applications -- no method for creating new icons and FREF's is provided.
An ICN# contains two parts: the icon, and the icon mask. The mask
determines how the icon will look when it is selected (inverted), and
also it also determines the 'body' of the icon: when in the finder,
a mouse click must occur on the Mask in order for the icon to be selected.
In particular, IconMaker is perfect for changing the icons of Rascal
stand-alone applications. To make an application in Rascal, you use
MakeAppl to convert the .obj program to an application. Once this is
finished, IconMaker can personalize the application, by changing the
icons and Creator Type.
You can work on icons any time while IconMaker is running, however in
order to save an icon, copy your icon to the Clipboard, then Open...
an Application file (once the application is opened, you can then
paste your icon onto one of the existing application icons).
When you Open an application, a new menu will appear to the right of
the icon menu (the menu will have the same name as the application).
This menu will contain as many items as their are icons in the application
file (for Rascal Applications, there should be two: 128 and 129).
Using the Mouse, Edit Menu, and the application Menu, edit the icons
to your satisfaction.
For Rascal Applications, Icon #128 is the application Icon (the one
which will appear on the Finder desktop), andIcon #129 is the text
file icon.
The IconMaker Edit Menu
Undo, Cut, Copy and Paste
These work pretty much as you would expect them too, except for
the fact that IconMaker uses a private Clipboard -- when you
quit the program, your icon will *not* be left on the Macintosh
Icon --> Mask.
This copies the Icon image to the Mask.
The IconMaker Icon Menu
This will cause any open application file to be closed, and the
icon image to be cleared.
The standard file dialog box will appear: select an application
which contains icons, and it will be opened. If there are no
icons in the application, the Open... will not be successful.
If an application file is open, any changes you have made to
the icons will be saved. Don't forget to save your changes!
The last item on the Icon menu is crucial: you must use it in order
to make your icons "stick" to the application.
Enable New Icons
When you are completely satisfied with your icons, select this
item. If the application is in order, a dialog box will appear.
This dialog box tells you what the current Creator field of the
application is. The Creator field is a unique 4 character code
which helps the Finder decide what icons to use on the desktop.
For Rascal Applications, this field will initially be RAPP.
If you are configuring a Rascal application, and if the creator
does come up as RAPP, Type in a new Creator code (make one up...):
this will be your new application's unique (we hope..) code.
If your application already has a unique Creator field (e.g. if
you are just re-doing the icons), you don't need to change the Creator
Field. Click in the OK button, and IconMaker will configure the
After doing 'Enable New Icons' just once, you can open and
close and re-edit the icons as much as you want. However: Once
you return to the Finder, the icons will 'stick' to the application
(because the Finder makes a copy of them).
If you do get back to the Finder and then decide to make more
changes, you can go back into IconMaker and re-edit -- just make
sure to do another 'Enable New Icons' before returning again
to the Finder.
When you Halt IconMaker (from Rascal's Run Menu), you may be asked
if you want to save changes before quitting: Cancel is *not* an
option at this point, so either click in the Yes or No button.
The Save Changes dialog box will function normally at all times
*other* than in response to a Halt command.